November 2022 Youbou Connector

November 2022 Youbou Connector

Halloween, Youbou-Style

The spookiest, scariest, eeriest haunted house on the lake is back! On Halloween night, Youbou once again proved it knows how to make you shiver, shake, and shriek. This year’s theme was absolutely mid-evil, with ghostly knights, cackling witches, dragon’s den tavern, and a blacksmith shop with fire forged straight from the gates of hell. Special thanks to Connie Vaughn and her cast of goblins, ghouls, and gremlins, who spent day after day decorating, and to those who haunted ye olde village on Sunday afternoon and Halloween night.

Merry not scary: For the wee ones who might not appreciate the scariness of a haunted house, the YCA again offered the popular ghoul-fishing pond and kiddie crafts in a happy pumpkinland downstairs.

Customary Costumery: Another Youbou tradition is the costume contest for all ages and sizes, with prizes awarded by the CVRD, the overall sponsor of the hall night. At the concession, the YCA provided drinks and the Youbou Volunteer Fire Department gave out free hot dogs. The fire fighters were also on hand to set off the spookily spectacular fireworks.

Trick-or-Treat: Thanks to Swordfern and other Youbou homeowners for creating a safe, fun, and delightfully spooky evening for our trick-or-treating children.

Witches’ Paddle: Sadly, the Sunday morning witches’ paddle couldn’t happen because of the drenching rain. We’ll try again next year.

Christmas Craft Fair
Put on your browsing shoes and head for Youbou Hall on Saturday, November 26. From 10 am to 2 pm, local crafters, cooks and hobbyists will wow you with their wares, on display upstairs and downstairs at the hall. Stock up on Christmas gifts and goodies, or treat yourself to something you didn’t even know you needed. If you want to book a table for $15 to sell your creations, call the CVRD at 250-749-6742.

The Youbou Community Association will once again be serving reasonably priced breakfast sandwiches, plus soup or chili dogs for lunch, and beverages. New Year’s Eve tickets will also be available.

Church Bulletin

Youbou Community Church Society (YCCS) is looking for volunteers to help with a fall cleaning on Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 10 am. This historic church is available for community use, but routinely needs some tender, loving care. Set aside a couple of hours to pitch in with painting, hedge trimming, power washing, and some interior maintenance. If you have any questions, contact Karen Dunnigan at 250-745-3586.

The YCCS is planning a meeting on November 12, 2022 at 10:00 am in the lower hall. Come for coffee and hear about the latest projects planned for the historic church and hall. Everyone is welcome!

The Society would like to thank you for the ongoing support with bottle returns. These funds have been critical in paying for insurance, fuel, and general maintenance for the church and lower hall. Please continue to drop off bottles/cans at 10335 Youbou Road.

If you’re looking for a hall location for a meeting, reception, Christmas gathering, class, or family get-together, think about booking the renovated church hall. For information, call Karen Dunnigan at 250-745-3586.

New Year’s Eve Party

Welcome 2023 by celebrating at the grand New Year’s Eve party at Youbou Hall. The Joints aka Eagle Eyes is returning to play for the hometown crowd. Yes, there will be balloons, noise-makers, pre-midnight buffet, and all the trimmings. Tickets (still $40 each) are now on sale at Cassy’s Coffeehouse, Youbou General Store, Daly’s Auto Centre, Youbou Bar & Grill in Youbou, as well as Ed’s Coffeehouse in Lake Cowichan. YCA Board members are selling tickets too.

Fall Clean-Up

About 16 volunteers met at the sawmill entrance on October 1, ready to spruce up Youbou. Helpers formed a fire line up the bank to pass along chunks of an old boat, plus rubbish that was lying about the lakeshore. The group then moved on to Adelina, where workers slashed invasive blackberries, scooped up trash, and brushed out the old access trail. On the way to Meade Creek, the crew picked up the junk left across from the church in the median. All of this took less than two hours! It goes to show that many hands make light work. Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to work on a sunny day and otherwise supported the effort.

Garbage Pick-Up

As you may have noticed, we have transitioned to garbage and recycling pick-up every other week for the fall, winter, spring season. Starting on Friday, November 4, set out your trash and recycling every other week, in the morning, not the night before, of course.

Recreation Referendum Passed

The Recreation funding referendum passed in the election. The new system will be based on usage, rather than assessment values. Starting next year, less of Area I property taxes will be subsidizing facilities such as the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena.

Karen Deck Elected

A new Area I Director was elected: Karen Deck. Congratulations to her as she assumes her new role and responsibilities. You’ll be seeing communications from Karen from time in this newsletter, starting with the note below.

A Note from Director Karen

The results of the election reflected the feelings of the voters I spoke to when I was campaigning door to door. There is a desire to hear what decisions are being made at the CVRD, but also to express opinions and bring concerns to the director’s attention. There is also profound scepticism about the ability to effect positive change, as indicated by the low voter turnout.

With that in mind, one of my first acts as Area I Director will be to arrange a town hall meeting to get a better sense of your needs and desires, but also to begin to seek solutions together.

After I am sworn in on November 9, I will have a phone number and email address that will help us communicate with one another. I’m looking for other ways to keep in touch with residents who either don’t have a computer or who prefer other methods of communication. I look forward to serving you and all the residents of Youbou/Meades Creek during my term. Let’s talk soon and often!

Did You Know?

The recent election brought home the fact that not everyone realizes what the CVRD does (and doesn’t) do.

The CVRD is responsible for:

Water and sewer services

Garbage pick-up and recycling services

Fire protection

Emergency preparedness

Recreation (community hall management, bowling alley and other CVRD-run recreation programs)

Parks (CVRD trail and park maintenance and upgrades)

Pet licensing

Land use (zoning, land development, permits)

Bylaws enforcement

What the CVRD is not responsible for:

Road safety and speed

Road sweeping

Public lake access points

Power supply

Wild animal control

Are You a YCA Member?
The Youbou Community Association is involved in helping community activities happen, such as the monthly newsletter, crab fest, holiday decorating, and other events throughout the year. While we love our facebook friends, an official family lifetime membership in the organization is just $10 and involves filling out a form. It is a key to knowing what’s going on around Youbou as well as giving you a vote at our annual meetings. We’ll email you our colourful community newsletter every month. To join, reach out to

Saturday, November 12, 10 am: Church Society meeting

Saturday, November 26, 10 am: Christmas Craft Fair, Youbou Hall

Sunday, November 13, 10 am: Church Work Day

Saturday, December 31, 8 pm: New Year’s Eve Dance, Youbou Hall

Got News?

If you’d like to contribute news for the newsletter about a public event happening (or not happening) in or around Youbou and Area I, please send particulars about date, time and place to, by the 20th of the month, please. You can also check our web site at and our Youbou Community Association facebook page for the latest information.

Your YCA Board

Chair: Julia Martinusen

Secretary: Randall Wilson

Treasurer: Steve Watt

Social: Eva Fearon

Garry Fearon

Membership: Cheryl Morgan

At large:

Monica Ash

Joelle Belanger

Sandra McAfee

Debbie Smith

Joe Tatham

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