July/August Youbou Connector

July/August Youbou Connector

Third Annual Crabfest

Once again, our Youbou Crabfest promises to be a sellout, according to ticket sale reports from the Youbou General Store and Arise Café. We hope to see you at Youbou Hall on Saturday, July 20, on or after 5 pm. The Youbou Community Association will be serving each guest a whole Dungeness crab with all the fixings: baked potato, salad, bread, melted butter (of course), and even dessert. Non-alcoholic beverages are included. Beer, wine, and cider are available for a charge.


In the Swim

Despite the chilly start to summer, it’s time to plunge into swimming at Arbutus Park. Seven lifeguards will be rotating schedules to cover lifeguarding every weekend this summer and teach swim lessons. While some lesson sessions do have waiting lists, space is still available. If you know of children wanting to register, call the Lake Cowichan Recreation staff at 250-749-6742 to see which sessions are still open: A (July 2 to 11), B (July 15 to 25), C (July 29 to August 8), and/or D (August 12 to 22).


Bowling and Open Gym

Youbou Lanes is open this summer and ready to entertain your summer guests. Rock ’n Glow bowling is happening on all summer Saturdays through August 31 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. A visit to our historic 73-year-old bowling alley is a memorable night out, no matter what the score. Visitors will love seeing the pinsetters set the pins by hand, checking out the fifties-era artwork, and seeing all the old trophies and Youbou memorabilia. And if kids are not interested in bowling, they can play in the Open Gym time next door, on Saturday nights until 8:30 pm.


Weir All Connected

Find out more about your Cowichan Lake watershed at the Celebrating Water Festival—Weir all Connected on Saturday, July 20th from 10 am to 2 pm at Saywell Park in Lake Cowichan. This family-friendly event focuses on the weir project with fun and educational exhibits that feature hands-on activities, tours, and talks. Cowichan Lake and River Steward volunteers hope to see you there!


Youbou Regatta

Plans are well underway for our annual Youbou regatta, slated for Saturday, August 10. The tentative schedule reflects all the favourite activities, plus a few new twists. Breakfast at the fire hall is slated for 8 am, with heartfelt thanks to our amazing crew of volunteer firefighters. The world’s shortest parade starts marshalling at Youbou Hall at 10:15 am, judging is at 10:30, with prizes awarded at 10:45, so the parade can roll at 11 am. The parade is free and open to anyone who wants to join in, especially kids with decorated bikes, pets, or costumed-themed groups. You name it.

Following the parade is an afternoon of activities at Arbutus Park: the Clarence Whittingham Memorial Quarter Mile Swim, sprint swimming races, cannon ball and belly flop contests, chalk art competition and watermelon eating. New this year is a bean bag toss competition, among other games. Live music is scheduled for most of the afternoon. Offering refreshment after the pancakes wear off is the Youbou Community Association. YCA volunteers will be offering burgers, hot-dogs, pop, and snacks from 11:30 to 2:30 or until sold out.  


Summer Fire Restrictions

As part of a Coastal Fire Centre Ban announced by BC Wildfire, Area I is under category 2 and 3 fire restrictions until October 31, or until the order is rescinded by BC Wildfire. This restriction prohibits open fires exceeding two metres in height or in an area larger than 0.2 hectares. It also prohibits fireworks, exploding targets, burn barrels and air curtain burners. However, campers can still have a fire. Campfires that are a half-meter wide and high, as well as cooking stoves and barbecues are still permitted. Campers need to remove any flammable debris surrounding the fire area and have a hand tool and at least 8 liters of water on hand.


Lazy-Day Breakfasts & Brunches

When you’re hosting a houseful this summer, take a break from breakfast duty. Arise Café offers breakfast (or lunch for the real sleepyheads), Wednesday through Sunday from 8 am to 2 pm. And when your gang wants a full-on weekend splurge, the Youbou Bar & Grill is featuring brunch every Sunday, from 11 am to 2 pm. Eggs Benny anyone?


Garage Sale Wrap-Up

Thanks to everyone who participated in our garage sale on May 25. At least 21 homeowners marketed their treasures, along with a few pop-ups along the way. Adam Khomsi, our newest board member, orchestrated the event for the YCA and really raised the bar, with a state-of the art web link and map, pin-pointing each sale. It’s never too soon to start stockpiling your no-longer-needed items for next year’s sale.


Easy Come, Easy Go

Over 100 Area I residents  took advantage of our annual clean-up on June 1. Whether it was unsold items from a garage sale or past-its-prime yard décor, junk was heaved with reckless abandon. The Youbou Community Association once again funded its deal on tipping fees for Area I residents, covering up to $30 of tipping fees per household. Thanks go to organizer Sandra McAfee and to volunteers: Debbie Smith, Cheryl Morgan, and Steve Watt.


July 20: Crab Fest, Youbou Hall, 5 pm

July 20: Weir All Connected, LC Saywell Park, 10 am

August 10: Youbou Regatta

Sundays: Brunch, Pub, 11 am to 2 pm

Saturdays: Bowling, Youbou Lanes, 6:30 to 9:30 pm


Are You a YCA Member?
The Youbou Community Association is involved in helping community activities happen, such as the monthly newsletter, crab fest, New Year’s Eve, and other events throughout the year. While we love our facebook friends, an official family lifetime membership in the organization is just $10 and involves filling out a form. It is a key to knowing what’s going on around Youbou as well as giving you a vote at our annual meetings. We’ll email you our colourful community newsletter every month. To join, reach out to cherylmtutor@gmail.com

Got News?

If you’d like to contribute news for the newsletter about a public event happening in or around Youbou and Area I, please send particulars about date, time and place to julia@raedwulf.org, by the 20th of the month, please. You can also check our web site at youbouyca.com and our Youbou Community Association facebook page for the latest information.

Your YCA Board

Chair: Julia Martinusen

Vice Chair: Sandra McAfee

Secretary: Randall Wilson

Treasurer: Steve Watt

Membership: Cheryl Morgan

At large:

Joelle Belanger

Adam Khomsi

Patrick Miller

Debbie Smith


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