July 2018 Youbou Connector

July 2018 Youbou Connector

Your YCA Board

Let us know if you have ideas for an event or comments about an issue.

  • Chair: Julia Martinusen
  • Co-Chair: Lori LaFave
  • Secretary: Randall Wilson
  • Treasurer: Spencer Day
  • Communications: Mike Bishop
  • Publicity: Allan Gott
  • Social: Eva Fearon
  • Garry Fearon

What’s Happening

August 11: Youbou regatta: firehouse breakfast, parade, regatta. Arbutus Park.

August 26: Youbou community picnic: 11 am to 3pm, Little League Park.


Pickleball: Playing outdoors in Lake Cowichan on good-weather days.

Bowling: closed for July and August.

Church: Sunday: 10 am Coffee and social, 11 am service.

We’re Having a Picnic!

Join the Youbou Community Association for a community picnic on Sunday, August 26 from 11 am to 3 pm. We’ll be providing hot-dogs, lemonade, popcorn and family-friendly fun and games. Bring your chairs and come ready to watch or participate in classic games, such as horseshoes, croquet, three-legged races, wet balloon tosses, egg-and-spoon relays. The event is free to Youbou residents and friends. It’s a great way to wrap up a fantastic summer and reconnect with neighbours and friends.

Youbou Regatta Parade Float

We were so successful at Lake Days, ramp it up for the Youbou regatta parade. Our float theme will highlight all of the fun of living around the waters of Youbou: kayaking, water-skiing, tubing, and hiking (even showcasing a moss-covered much smaller version of Christopher Rock). If you wish to wear your favourite lake recreation gear and walk with the float (and help hand out candy), join us at the Youbou Community Hall parking lot at 9:30 am on Saturday morning, August 11.

Youbou Regatta

Our big annual waterfront event is just a week or two away. Join us for all or part of the day: the pancake breakfast, the parade, or the fun and games at Arbutus Park. It’s for kids of all ages.

Pancake breakfast at 8:00 a.m. at Youbou Fire Hall.

Parade Marshals at Youbou Hall at 10 a.m. All are welcome to enter the parade.

Parade starts at 10:30 a.m. and travels to Arbutus Park where the day continues to be filled with fun activities for everyone.

Clarence Whittingham Memorial Quarter Mile Swim

Canoe and kayak races

3 on 3 volleyball tournament

Swimming races for all ages

Chalk art contest

Land games for kids

Music in the park

Whistle, Splash & Flip Triathlon

Watermelon eating relay

Lifeguard relay and more

A BBQ concession will be available from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Put Oktobeerfest on Your Calendar

Get ready to raise your stein on Saturday, October 13, at the Youbou Hall. We’re having a rollicking German-style Ocktobeerfest, complete with the music of Littlehead. Doors open at 7 pm. No special dress is requested, just your dancing shoes. Tickets will be sold soon by board members of Youbou Community Association and your favourite Youbou businesses for $20 each. Free shuttle transport will be provided.

Toasting our July Bottle Drive

Thanks to those who pitched in to help with our first bottle drive and everyone who brought their empties to the old pub for us to recyle. We earned over $500, which we’ll be using to support worthy community causes, such as our community picnic, Octobeerfest and our holiday hamper project.

Town Hall Meeting Recap

For those of you who missed the May 16 Town Hall meeting hosted by area representative Klaus Kuhn, below is a brief summary of his updates.

Mile 77 Park: This park has been closed temporarily in an effort to save funds. The renovation at Arbutus Park has put a dent in this year’s budget, necessitating some efforts to save costs. Klaus offered a couple of ideas on how to raise some funds, such as selling a small portion of Mile 77 park. Most residents attending were not in favour of selling any part of Mile 77 park and would like to see the park reopened as soon as possible. Some other suggestions for raising money to support our parks were brought up but more discussion is needed.

Christopher Rock: Timberwest is willing to support a community trail up to Christopher Rock. We’ll keep you posted as plans develop.

Paving West of Cottonwood: Timberwest is stepping forward to pave another 2.3 kilometers of road beyond Cottonwood. This will help cut down the road dust, as well as improving the road for driving.

Speed sign: An electronic speed sign has been erected east of the Shop and Save to help remind drivers to watch their speed when motoring through town. There is some discussion about the location of the sign, but once that is resolved, we expect it to be operational soon.

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